AAR snippet: Pilot interview "I fly the bomber. Dozens of hundred ton machines stood deathly still on the ready, but my choice is the one-seated bomber. Command issued me a simple mission, drop antimatter canisters on some logistical city on Terra. My ethical mind questions, "why?" as I suppress the thoughts with the phrase they taught me in training. The war is nearing it's end, and this is simply shattering the bone in a cast. The bombers launch off the orbital platform and quickly burn through space, enroute for the atmosphere. Our great Venisian fleet is visible from space, burning anything that flies and isn't Venisian with a blinding laser. I enter the middle atmosphere. High enough to prevent any conventional anti-air weaponry, low enough for the bombs to hit. I armed the guided antimatter bombs, and a thin bar appears on my heads up the display. Once that bar reaches the bottom, I will drop my bombs. The bar was at the top, crawling to the bottom. I was flying alone in the dawn of morning. The sunlight was in my eye. A beep from my warning system. It was a tracking station. I assumed the worst, an anti-air station, but it was not. The bar was nearing the middle. I received a communication through my analog radio. The static was jarring, but I passed the output to my headset. "Don't do this! Do not do this! You are en-route to a civilian city with nothing! You will kill a million families, a million children!" "Please!" The officer manning the communication station begs and screams, "Do not drop those bombs!" The bar was nearing the bottom. The war was gonna end against them regardless if I dropped these bombs. My ethical mind questions, "should I?" as I suppress the thoughts with the phrase they taught me in training. I fly the bomber." authors notes: still suck at writing, lol. i was reading hfy and i kinda wanted to do some writing again, but this time its human v human. dang...