RE: Ceres Particle Accelerator Manual. manual-updated-2008.pdf Hello, attached is the full particle accelerator manual, updated a few years ago. But I'll give you a brief explanation anyway. The Ceres Particle Accelerators are several planet-long particle accelerators that stre tch across the entirety of Ceres. Located within the belt between Jupiter and Mars, Ceres is a key staging point for a majority of shipbuilding projects due to it's high density of minerals and light gravity, compa red to Venisian orbital building, it allows for much lower maintenance costs in terms of keeping orbital fa cilities in orbit by keeping ship building projects on the ground, whilst keeping the benefit of low-gravit y maneuvering. The Ceres particle accelerators (CPA) stretch around the entirety of Ceres, with several of these, and the low gravity environment, the CPA is able to collect antimatter at a rate of .566 miligrams per hour. This m ay seem like not much, but the shear amount of CPA systems wrapped around Ceres makes up for the low miligr am collection rate. You'll find more in the document below. I had to pull some severe strings for this, so make sure this doesn 't get out. Your brother, Ethan Tylor