As the mercenary ships lands on Luna, a crowd is awaiting their return. Protestors in the spaceports raise their signs, protesting for the outlawing of mercenaries. The LSO government has set up ground police forces to attempt to quell the protestors. These protests have been happening constantly, after the draft to rescue Terra from the Inner World Coalition has left nothing but dead Selenites. Something goes wrong. Nobody understand who threw the first fight, but the police force went in. Their blunt weapons and shields quickly bruise and stun the protestors, as some try to crawl away - flashbangs are deployed, rupturing ear drums. A protestor bleeding from the ear is being arrested by a peacekeeping propaganda poster. The sight is captured by a journalist, shortly before being tackled in the chaos of it all. --- As the mercenary ships lands on Luna once more, the spaceport is empty. There is nobody in the spaceport awaiting their return any more. No police force, no military assets, no civilians or protestors. There are no more protests. The prisons are empty, and the ideas are shot down. authors notes: no irl politics. i just wanted to write a police state story for the lunar surface/ orbital gov